Andrew Chin is Dean of the School of Architecture + Engineering Technology at Florida A&M University and has 30 years of administrative and architecture teaching experience. He earned his Bachelor of Design and Master of Architecture from the University of Florida and a Master of Science in Urban & Regional Planning at Florida State University. Since 1991, Chin has taught design studios, thesis research, and urban design classes at FAMU, the University of Florida, and the Georgia Institute of Technology.
With more than $1 million in external funding from the US Economic Development Agency (EDA), the US Dept of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), the Florida Department of Community Affairs, the Florida Division of Historical Resources, the Andrew Mellon Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation, and local planning agencies, Chin’s research exposes the intersection of race and urban form in North Florida communities. Chin’s contribution to education has been recognized by the National Organization of Minority Architects, with the President’s Award; and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, with the Robert R. Taylor Faculty Research Award and the Course Development Prize in Architecture.